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Samsung AI Forum 2020

Live Stream

2020. 11. 2(Mon.) 09:00~13:00 (KST, UTC+9)


09:00 ~ 09:05

Kinam Kim | Vice Chairman of Samsung Electronics
Opening Remarks

09:05 ~ 09:30

Yoshua Bengio | University of Montreal
Towards Discovering Causal Representations

09:30 ~ 09:55

Yann LeCun | New York University
Energy-Based Models for Self-Supervised Learning

09:55 ~ 10:20

Chelsea Finn | Stanford University
Meta-Learning: from Few-Shot Adaptation to Uncovering Symmetries

10:20 ~ 10:30

Samsung AI Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony

10:30 ~ 10:55

Donhee Ham | Samsung Electronics & Harvard University
Reconstruction of the Brain

10:55 ~ 11:20

Tara Sainath | Google Research
Towards End-to-End Speech Recognition

11:20 ~ 11:45

Jenn Wortman Vaughan | MS Research
Intelligibility Throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle

11:45 ~ 13:00

Panel Discussion
Moderator Youngsang Choi | Vice President of Samsung Electronics
Panelists Inyup Kang | Corporate President of Samsung Electronics
Yoshua Bengio | University of Montreal
Yann LeCun | New York University
Chelsea Finn | Stanford University
Tara Sainath | Google Research
Jenn Wortman Vaughan | MS Research



AI Researcher of the Year

Kyunghyun Cho | New York University
Contributed Talk 1 - SSMBA: Self-Supervised Manifold Based Data Augmentation

Chelsea Finn | Stanford University
Contributed Talk 2 is replaced with an invited talk.

Seth Flaxman | Imperial College London
Contributed Talk 3 - Statistical thinking in AI: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Jiajun Wu | Stanford University
Contributed Talk 4 - Learning to see the physical world

Cho-Jui Hsieh | University of California, Los Angeles
Contributed Talk 5 - On scalability and tunability of neural network training