Changing the World through
Creative Research

Personal Information
Management Policy

Privacy Policy
Effective Date: July 21, 2021.

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and our affiliates (“Samsung,” “we,” “us,” “our”) know how important privacy is to our customers (“Users”, “you”, “your”), and we strive to comply with the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

This Privacy Policy provides an overview of our information practices including how we collect, use and protect personal information obtained from users along with the purpose of such information collection.

This Privacy Policy was updated on July 21, 2021. In the event that we update the Privacy Policy, we will inform you of such changes by posting a notice on our website.

0. General provisions

“Personal Information” is any information about a natural person, who can be identified from data including name and social security number or from data that is combined with other information.

We know how important privacy is to our customers, and we dedicate to comply with the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

We provide an overview of our information practices including how we receive and use personal information obtained from our customers along with the purpose of such information collection through this Privacy Policy.

We have posted the current version of the Privacy Policy on our website ( to facilitate user’s access to our policy. Furthermore, we have prepared necessary procedures for the Privacy Policy update. In case of any changes in the Privacy Policy, we have assigned a new version number to the updated Privacy Policy for user’s convenience.

1. Information we collect

1.1 Information we collect

We do not collect any personal information when you use our Services except Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (“SAIT”) Academic


We will notice you in detail of privacy policy for SAIT Academic Program in the following tab.

2. Purpose of personal information collection and use

We use personal information we have collected for the purposes of:
- SAIT Academic Program - contest and test operation (notice of contest and test including Participant identification, etc.)

3. Retention and use of personal information

We delete and destroy personal information without delay when its management purpose is achieved.

However, we store personal information for a certain period of time if required by the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. In this case,

we will move such information into a separate database (DB) or different storage.

4. Destruction procedure and methods of personal information

Procedure and methods of personal information disposal are as follows:

4.1 Destruction procedure

Personal information of users will be destroyed after being stored in a separate DB for a certain period of time in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations or our policies (See retention and usage period). The aforesaid information will not be used for other purposes than retention otherwise required by laws and regulations.

4.2 Destruction methods

Personal information in electronic format is deleted using technical methods that resist simple recovery, so that the information cannot be reconstructed or recovered in any way. Printed copy of the said information is being destroyed using various methods including but not limited to shredding or incineration.

5. Entrustment of management of personal information

We entrust development of CodeGround system ( and personal information handling during its operation to Samsung SDS, which is specialized in data handling and management, to effectively and efficiently provide our Services. We select an entrustment company only when our Service requires doing so.

In the event that we entrust personal information processing to the third parties, we take necessary and foreseeable measures to safeguard the aforesaid information. By providing a clear guideline on information protection, we ensure them to comply with the information related guidelines, maintain confidentiality, be liable for information leakage, and acknowledge entrustment period as well as return or destruction procedures of the information. At the same time, we oversee their data processing for personal information. If there is any change in our entrustment company or their entrustment work, we will notify you of such changes by posting them on our website or by using other means including but not limited to a mail, email, phone call and SMS.

6. Sharing personal information with a third party

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties except:
- if we are required to comply with the law or respond to compulsory legal process;
- if we charge you for our provided paid services;
- if we provide such information for statistics, academic and marketing purposes after processing them in a way that a person cannot be identified with the said data; and
- if we obtain prior consent from users.

In addition to the disclosures mentioned in this Privacy Policy, we may share information about you with third parties when you consent to such sharing.

7. Rights of users and their legal representative and exercising such rights

You and your legal representative (if you are under the age of thirteen) reserve the right to request at any time:
- to view, correct and delete to suspend e of your information;
- to suspend data handling of your information; or
- to withdraw your consent to providing your information.

In case that you exercise your above-mentioned rights by using “Personal Information Change” (or “Member Information Change”) menu on our website, the responsible person for personal information handling in writing, via phone, or email, we will immediately take necessary steps to do so.

We reserve the right to refuse your request to view, correct and/or delete all or part of your personal information in cases where
- the request is prohibited or restricted in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations;
- the request may be threatening to other people’ lives or health; or the request may unfairly infringe on properties or benefits of other people.

In the event that you requests that an error in personal information be corrected, the personal information concerned will not be used or provided before such correction is completed. If the incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the correction without delay.

We handle personal information deleted or suspended its handling based upon a request from you or your legal representative in accordance with “Section 3. Retention and use of personal information.” The information is prohibited to view or use for a purpose other than stated in the Section 3 above.

Please keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date to prevent unexpected incidents. You are fully responsible for incidents caused by inaccurate information you provided. Identity theft and providing false information may disqualify you from membership.

Your right to privacy is accompanied by responsibility to protect yourself and not to infringe on any person’s right to privacy. Please take precautions to prevent identity theft and not to damage other’s personal information including posting. If you damage personal information and dignity of others, you may be punished in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

8. Installation, operation, and rejection of device for automatic collection of personal information

This section applies to those subject to “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.” in the republic of Korea.

We use cookies to store and load user information, thereby providing personalized and customized service. Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser, and are stored on your hard drive.

8.1 Purpose of using cookies

In order to provide customized services, we use cookies in several ways, such as:
- analyzing your visiting time or frequency to our website;
- remembering your preferences and likely interests, and tracking your digital footprints;

8.2 How to disable cookies

You have the right to opt in or out of installation of cookies. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or notify you whenever a cookie is sent. Please note, however, that disabling cookies may affect your ability to use our Services or certain parts of our Services. How to turn on, view and turn off cookies if you are an Internet Explorer user
- How to turn on cookies

Select “Internet Options” on the “Tools” menu and click “Privacy” tab.
Click “Settings” and enable cookies you want to use by moving the slider in the dialog box.
- How to view your cookies

Select “Internet Options” on the “Tools” menu and click “General” tab.
Then, click Settings under Browsing History. Select view files.
- How to turn off cookies

Select “Internet Options” on the “Tools” menu and click “Privacy” tab.
Click “Settings” and disable cookies by moving the slider in the dialog box to a higher setting.

9. Securing the safety of personal information

9.1 Technical and administrative measures

We take technical and administrative measures to secure your personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, fabricated or damaged.

- Establish and implement internal administrative plans
ㆍWe have made and implemented internal administrative plans for the safe handling and management of your personal information.
ㆍWe have a Task Force dedicated to personal information protection. The TF has immediately taken measures if any issue arises in connection with imple menting and complying with our personal information protection guidelines.

- Measures to prevent access logs from being forged or falsified
ㆍWe have stored and managed access logs to the Personal Information Handling System and used security features to prevent the logs from being forged or falsified.

- Measures against Hacking
ㆍWe use the latest version of vaccine program, which is updated on a regular basis, to prevent your personal information from being leaked or falsified.
ㆍWe have adopted an SSL to transmit personal information on our network in a safe and secured way by using encrypted algorithm.
ㆍWe have taken steps to protect our servers from external malicious attacks including hacking using intrusion detection and prevention system and a vulnerability analysis system.
ㆍWe have stored personal information in a separate server to prevent the data from being combined with non-personal information.

- Minimize the number of employees to access personal information and their trainings
ㆍOnly those in charge of marketing and personal information handling are allowed to have access to personal information along with those whose work inevitably require the information.
ㆍWe have provided our employees with internal and external trainings for new security technologies along with their obligations on protecting personal information to those who handle personal information on a regular basis.
ㆍWe have received a non-disclosure agreement from all employees to prevent personal information from being leaked, and have prepared audit procedures to supervise whether employees are complying with the policy guidelines on personal information protection.
ㆍWork transfer is being done under tight security. Furthermore, we hold those in charge of handling personal information accountable even after their resignation.
ㆍCertain areas such as a computing room and archives are designated as a restricted area.

9.2 Link site related policies

We may provide you with a link which directs you to a website or materials of the third party, and use products and services developed by the third party through our Services. For example, you can download a third party application via Samsung Apps.

We do not endorse or guarantee third party links. The products and services offered on third party sites are not our products or Services. We are not able to attest to the accuracy of information provided by the linked sites. Linking to a web site does not constitute endorsement by Samsung. Other websites which you may link to from our website are not bound by our Privacy Policy. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of the website you are directed.

9.3 Policy related to postings

We make great efforts to protect your posting from being forged, falsified and/or deleted as we value your data except:
- spams;
- postings targeted to tarnish other’s reputation by deliberately distributing false information;
- postings containing other’s personal information without obtaining consent from the respective person;
- postings infringe on our intellectual property rights or of a third party; or
- postings not relevant to our bulletin board.

We may delete or mask a certain part of your posting if it discloses other’s personal information. If it is relocated to other bulletin board, we leave the path to the new location of your posting.

We may delete your posting after sending explicit or individual warnings for other cases other than mentioned above.

You have the right to and responsibility in your postings. Please be cautious when you disclose your personal information as it is hard to be protected if the information has been voluntarily disclosed through your postings.

9.4 Policy on mass email collection

We refuse to collect mass emails by using email collection program or other similar technical devices. You may be punished according to the applicable laws and regulations if violated.

10. Responsible person for personal information and departments in charge of customer services

We have designated departments and a person responsible to deal with customer complaints related to personal information as follows:

10.1 Personal information protection department

Personal information protection department: Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology planning and administration team

10.2 Person in charge of personal information management ed.

Person in charge of personal information management with the Global Privacy Office
Phone: +82-1588-4730
Email :

10.3 Other organizations

You may file a complaint and/or request relief to the responsible departments mentioned above for damages related to handling and management of your personal information while you are using our Services. We will respond to and address your reports.

- KISA Privacy Center (
- Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office ( / +82-1301)
- Cyber Terror Response Center of the Korean National Police Agency ( / +82-182)

11. Prohibition Against Collecting E-Mail Addresses Without Permission

Any kind of act involving collection of e-mail addresses from this web site by anymeans including, but not limited to, automatic e-mail address collecting software or program is prohibited. All personal information including e-mail addresses on this web site are protected. Violation of this may result in criminal penalties under the Information & Telecommunication Network Act.

SAIT Academic Program Privacy Notice
Effective Date: July 21, 2021.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., along with our affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Samsung”) respect your concerns about privacy. This SAIT Academic Program Privacy Notice applies to the personal information we obtain through Samsung Global Research Outreach & AI Researcher of the Year Program (collectively, the “SAIT Academic Program”). It does not apply to information collected by other apps, websites or services provided by Samsung.

This Privacy Notice provides information about how may collect, use and share your personal information in connection with SAIT Academic Program.

Our Privacy Policy at will also apply to your participation at SAIT Academic Program, and should be read in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Samsung Privacy Policy for the U.S. provides additional information about our personal information practices, including how to contact us. In the event any portion of this Privacy Notice conflicts with the Samsung Privacy Policy for the U.S. the relevant provisions of this Privacy Notice will govern.

What Information We Collect

Through the SAIT Academic Program, we obtain and maintain information about you in various ways.

Information You Provide Directly

SAIT Academic Program collects information from you directly. For example:
- Contact and biographical information, such as your name, birthday, citizenship, school name, major, email address, phone number, educational background, and awards received;

How We Use the Information We Obtain

We may use the information we obtain through SAIT Academic Program to:
- identify and authenticate you so you may use the website of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology;
- enable you to participate at SAIT Academic Program;
- identify, receive and review proposals, and award grants for selected projects
- protect against, identify and prevent fraud and other criminal activity, claims and other liabilities;

- comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies, including this Privacy Notice and the Privacy Policy.

Information Sharing

We may share your personal information with our subsidiaries and affiliates and with service providers who perform services for us. We do not authorize our service providers to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.

We may share personal information we collect through SAIT Academic Program if you ask us to do so or otherwise with your consent. We also may disclose information about you in other circumstances, including (1) if we are required to do so by law or legal process, or to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights, (2) to law enforcement authorities or other government officials, (3) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity, (4) in the event we may or do sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in the event of a merger, acquisition, joint venture, reorganization, divestiture, dissolution or liquidation); or (5) otherwise with your consent or at your request.

Updates to This Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our personal information practices with respect to SAIT Academic Program or changes in the applicable law. We will indicate at the top of this Privacy Notice when it was most recently updated.

SAIT Academic Program Privacy Notice
Effective Date: July 21, 2021.

At Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Samsung”), we know how important privacy is to our customers. Samsung is the data controller for Samsung Global Research Outreach & AI Researcher of the Year Program, which is operated by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (collectively, the “SAIT Academic Program”). We created this Privacy Notice to make sure you understand how we collect and use your personal information.

Our Privacy Policy at also applies to your participation at SAIT Academic Program. Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how we use your data. It also includes information about how to contact us. Please read our Privacy Policy in addition to this Privacy Notice. However, this Privacy Notice shall always prevail over the Privacy Policy in relation to how we use your information for SAIT Academic Program.


Through the SAIT Academic Program, we obtain and maintain information about you in various ways.

Information You Provide Directly

SAIT Academic Program collects information from you directly. For example:
- Contact and biographical information, such as your name, birthday, citizenship, school name, major, email address, phone number, educational background, and awards received;


We will disclose your information internally within our business and to the following entities, but only for the purposes described above.
- Affiliates: other Samsung Electronics Group companies which we control or own; and
- Service providers: carefully selected companies that provide services for or on behalf of us. These business partners control and manage your personal information;


We use the information we collect for the following purposes:
- identify and authenticate you so you may use the website of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology;
- enable you to participate at SAIT Academic Program;
- identify, receive and review proposals, and award grants for selected projects
- protect against, identify and prevent fraud and other criminal activity, claims and other liabilities;
- comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies, including this Privacy Notice and the Privacy Policy


How long your data will be retained depends on the legal basis relied upon to process your data. For example, data we process to perform our contract with you requires us to keep the data throughout the time you participation at SAIT Academic Program. As long as you actively engage with SAIT Academic Program, we will retain and process this data. Data such as your account information and device information and identifiers fall into this category.

Data we process to promote our business interests, such as your usage of SAIT Academic Program, is only kept for as long as needed for the purposes for which it was collected. For example, this data may be collected to perform analytics so we can develop improvements to SAIT Academic Program, or we may process data to keep a record of inquiries you made through or about SAIT Academic Program to improve your customer service experience.

Please note, although we aim to retain your data for the time period described above, your data may be processed longer pursuant to applicable law. For example, if a specific statute mandates we require a certain piece of data, we comply and retain that data until the required retention period expires.

As long as your data is retained by us your data will always be subject to appropriate safeguards.

Your participation at SAIT Academic Program will involve the transfer, storage, and processing of your personal information to other countries; such countries include, without limitation, countries in the European Economic Area, and the Republic of Korea. All international data transfers are subject to legal requirements to ensure that your personal information is processed safely and as you would expect.


This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our personal information practices with respect to SAIT Academic Program or changes in the applicable law. We will indicate at the top of this Privacy Notice when it was most recently updated.

SAIT Academic Program Privacy Notice
Effective Date: July 21, 2021.

At Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Samsung”), we know how important privacy is to our customers. We created this Privacy Notice to make sure you understand how we collect and use your personal information.

Our Privacy Policy at also applies to your participation at Samsung Global Research Outreach & AI Researcher of the Year Program (collectively, the “SAIT Academic Program”). Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how we use your data. It also includes information about how to contact us. Please read our Privacy Policy in addition to this Privacy Notice. However, this Privacy Notice shall always prevail over the Privacy Policy in relation to how we use your information for SAIT Academic Program.


Through the SAIT Academic Program, we obtain and maintain information about you in various ways.

Information You Provide Directly

SAIT Academic Program collects information from you directly. For example:
- Contact and biographical information, such as your name, birthday, citizenship, school name, major, email address, phone number, educational background, and awards received;


We will disclose your information internally within our business and to the following entities, but only for the purposes described above.
- Affiliates: other Samsung Electronics Group companies which we control or own; and
- Service providers: carefully selected companies that provide services for or on behalf of us. These business partners control and manage your personal information;


We use the information we collect for the following purposes:
- identify and authenticate you so you may use the website of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology;
- enable you to participate at SAIT Academic Program;
- identify, receive and review proposals, and award grants for selected projects
- protect against, identify and prevent fraud and other criminal activity, claims and other liabilities;
- comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies, including this Privacy Notice and the Privacy Policy


This Privacy Notice may be updated to let you know about changes in how we collect and process your information in SAIT Academic Program or changes in related laws. The date when the document was last updated is shown at the top of this Privacy Notice.