Samsung Advanced
Institute of Technology

Global Collaboration

  • Please review the SAMSUNG GRO Program information on this website and apply at the GRO submission site.
  • No. Research proposal should be submitted in MS word and signed RA acceptance letter must be in PDF.
  • No. GRO Program is only designed to fund research projects with researchers affiliated with universities.
  • Yes. We encourage you to submit a new proposal this year.
  • Yes. Any forms of other grant from SEC or related Samsung companies do not affect your university’s eligibility to apply to GRO Program.
  • No. GRO Program is designed to fund breakthrough research projects for universities, and as such does not fund equipment or cash donations, nor can it support student projects, event sponsorships, or teaching activities.
  • Yes. There are no limits on the number of proposals that can be submitted from the same university. However, each proposal shall be accompanied by a separate signed copy of the 『RA Acceptance Letter』 in order to be eligible.
  • Yes. For multi-year proposals, applicants should provide the details of multi-year research scope and plans in your proposal PART 2 – please refer to “Proposal Guide & Format” document which is posted on GRO website for more details. Please note, however, the funds will be made for one (1) year. To receive funds in the following year, applicant should submit a new proposal and achievements of projects at the end of project period. The submitted proposal for the following year will be re-evaluated by SAMSUNG. Notification of submission will be directly delivered through your GRO technical contact individually.
  • A key objective of the GRO Program is to help SAMSUNG build stronger relationships with professors and their graduate students. Acceptable personnel costs may include salaries for professor or faculty researcher, as well as stipends related to graduate or undergraduate student participation in the project. Post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to collaborate on the project, but would be asked to secure complementary funding for their salaries, as provided by the university or other funding sources.
  • No. GRO Program does not guarantee research funding up-front for multi-year proposals. However, you still can apply GRO Program, even if you know that GRO Program does not guarantee multiple year research funding.
  • Yes. Applicants from two (or more) separate universities may submit a joint proposal for consideration to the GRO Program. But, only one representative university’s Principal Investigator (“PI”) shall submit a proposal with the all relevant information regarding joint universities and detailed budget request for each university separately. Please note that the 『GRO Research Agreement (“RA”) Acceptance Letter』 shall be signed by all universities in the joint proposal individually. However, if such joint proposal is selected, GRO RA documents shall be signed by the authorized official of the representative university. Such university representative shall, at his/her own discretion and responsibility, manage the budget in accordance with the budgetary plan outlined in the submitted proposal.
  • Yes. Any proposal that involves collaborators from more than one university is considered a “joint proposal”. If your co-investigator does not plan on requesting SAMSUNG funds, you shall indicate so in the budget section of your joint proposal.
  • GRO RA will be sent, upon your request, via email. Contact information is on GRO website. An authorized official at your university shall review and sign『GRO RA Acceptance Letter』.
  • Yes. All applications for GRO Program shall be accompanied by signed『GRO RA Acceptance Letter』in order for the proposal to be considered in every year. 『GRO RA Acceptance Letter』serves to indicate your university's agreement to accept the terms and conditions of『GRO RA』, should your proposal be selected for the fund.
  • No. In order to ensure that the applicant’s university has reviewed GRO RA prior to proposal submission, SAMSUNG requires that a university authority other than the applicant sign the 『GRO RA Acceptance Letter』.
  • In order for a proposal to be considered, all of the required documents must be sent prior to the submission deadline. Proposals with incomplete documentation will not be reviewed.
  • Please consolidate brief (1-2 page) CVs for each individual into a Part 5 of your proposal.
  • If you need to revise your proposal after submitting it, you can make changes and send it again prior to the submission deadline. However, you will not be able to make any changes after the submission deadline.
For more questions, please contact below.

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